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Nunnsense: The Cards Care And I Will Prove It


There are so many wonderful things about the University of Louisville. Athletics tend to garner most of the attention but that’s understandable being that it’s a multi million dollar business and Louisville is pretty good in every sport right now. It is definitely a great time to be a Cardinal.  The student athletes work, practice and study very hard to be the best in the classroom and on the field/court/pitch etc. They receive awards and accolades for their performances in academics and athletics but what often goes unnoticed is their contributions of giving back to the community.

Only a very small percent of the student athletes will go on and become professionals in their sport. Most will need the training they receive in school to progress as a successful contributing member of society. It is my belief that in order to attain that status as an adult you must learn to attain balance in your life. Sound mind, sound body. As a Sig Ep, I subscribe to the ancient Greek belief that the mind is central to humanity and that the body serves as a vessel for the mind, and thus the exercise of both is necessary for a balanced life. Maintaining a sound body goes beyond workout programs. It includes physical, nutritional, sexual and preventative health practices. Developing a sound mind means living a lifestyle that allows you to expand and challenge your mind both inside and outside of the classroom. Sound mind programming goes beyond study hours and tutors.  It challenges you to look for learning experiences outside of the classroom. The student athletes at Louisville have no problem keeping a sound body with all the advancements in health fitness and specialty, nutritional and exercise staff that is assigned to keep them well-rounded physically. Keeping a sound mind is more of a challenge and that responsibility falls more on the individual student athlete. Finding ways to learn and expand your mind outside the classroom is very difficult for 18-22 year olds. That’s where CardsCare comes in.

The University of Louisville has a community outreach program called CardsCare. The CardsCare program is designed to give UofL student-athletes the unique opportunity to spend much of their time giving back to the surrounding community. Louisville student-athletes, coaches, administrators, and staff members volunteer their time and talent with numerous organizations. ” I am very proud of the work that is done in the community. Each year the goal is to be able to give back just a little bit more than the previous year. As a former student athlete at UofL, I know that I’m lucky to be able to help the next generation of cardinals and see them increase their involvement in the community” said Monica Negron, the campus & community relations coordinator of the CardsCare program.

Most of you saw the story ESPN did on Keith Kelsey who spent every Monday with a man fighting for his life. Thousands of you read my story on Bryson Betts (UPDATE: He went back to school on Monday) and almost all of you saw the story of Lamar meeting a local high school girl battling cancer. But there are so many other stories that go unnoticed. Here is a short video of their work just from September,

I wanted to take this opportunity to shine some light on all the things this great program does. All of these great things are happening right here in our community by our student athletes, alumni, coaches, volunteers and Louisville’s own CardsCare staff. I have personally seen the effect this program has on a family. They can help make a very difficult situation just a little bit easier. Thank you for all you do.

Below you will find some examples of community service projects CardsCare is involved with as well as some videos and pictures detailing their work. You can follow CardsCare on Twitter @LouisvilleLCARE #CardsCARE  or their website     Flickr –

Community Service Examples

CardsCARE has partnered with 200 organizations throughout the year

As Always, GO CARDS!

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