My UofL Fandom: Back in the UofL Groove


As you can tell by the title, I’m back! Back to doing my favorite thing on this Earth, writing about our beloved Louisville Cardinals. As you guys know, I usually write about the history of our sports programs and the like, but today, I’m going to tell you a bit of a story, the story of how became a fan of the greatest sports program on Earth, the Louisville Cardinals.

Unlike many who love the Cardinals, I have not been a lifetime fan. When I was growing up, my Dad was gone most of the time, as he delivered houseboats around the country. Due to this, I grew up without sports, I just didn’t have any interest in them whatsoever. It wasn’t until he retired around 2007 when I became enamored with the wide world of sports. I started watching that other team in Kentucky, and I’m not talking about Western, as that was his favorite team. But something just wasn’t doing it for me. I just didn’t agree with what their program stood for. So, as many people do when they first start watching a sport, I began to search for a team to latch on to, and that is when I discovered a team that was honestly going to change my life, and that was the Louisville Cardinals.

What did I see in the Cardinals that made me fall in love with them you may ask? Well it really was a lot of different factors. For one, every time I saw them take the field, whether it was football, basketball, whatever, I saw so much heart, so much passion that I could literally feel it through my TV. Not only that, but I saw so many qualities I expected out of myself in their program, from respect, to honesty, to bravery, their program was everything I believe you need to succeed as a sports program. Plus, it helps that I started watching Louisville basketball the same time one of my favorite players of all time Terrence Williams was playing for the Ville (Terrence if you are reading this I have to interview you sometime man!)

Well, there you have it folks, the rest is history as many people say. Although I have not been a Cardinals fan for the longest time, I am so proud to be part of the Louisville family, and even prouder to be a writer for this great site! Be expecting more TBT articles from me, maybe even some surprises here and there, as I have some pretty cool stuff cooking up in my brain! I’m glad to be back writing for you guys, and as always, Go Cards!


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